Dear Spencer for Hire,
How are things? Are you still detecting? Can you believe how Boston has changed recently? I went back to Boston last year with my family and it was a shock. So nice and bright and airy in the city after the Big Dig. Do you even recognize it? Does anyone get up to any shenanigans anymore for you to investigate?
And how’s Hawk? Susan? I haven’t been in touch with any of you in so long. That’s on me.
I was probably too young for them when I read your books, but that means that they stuck with me in indelible ways. The way I think about Boston, and running, and relationships, and beer drinking, and violence … I owe a lot of all of that to you.
Also, in my mind you are my Dad and he you, a little bit. Sub in accounting for PI work and a golf buddy for Hawk and we’re just about there. I like to think that by reading you and being my father’s daughter there is a little bit of tough old Boston in me too.
Hope you’re well,